How I Can Help You
A lot of the time we are able to find a lot of information on “healthy lifestyle” but this information can be confusing and conflicting. I hope to take this guesswork away from you and help you make SUSTAINABLE changes that fit into your circumstances and meet you where you are and lead you to where you realistically want to be.
My medical background and continued registration with the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine means that I am continually updating my knowledge to be EVIDENCE-BASED. I explain the science behind the changes we agree to focus on, in a way that you can understand.
It’s important to know that INFORMATION doesn’t equal IMPLEMENTATION. Just because you may have the encyclopaedia on healthy weight loss for example, doesn’t mean that you may have the motivation to implement those changes. That’s what I as a health coach, provide for you!
I give you your “why” of making these changes to ensure they are more likely to “stick” and be sustainable. I make sure you are accountable but in a way that is not “punishing” and non-judgemental.
Modern life is not easy and there are so many stresses and temptations. Not only that, but we don’t all have time to be cooking everything from scratch and doing yoga on a mountain! My advice is always practical!
My coaching is suitable for vegetarians, vegans or ANYONE that is plant curious and wants to add in more beneficial plants into their lifestyle to have a more plant forward diet.
Can I help you?
Conditions/areas that I work with:
Sustainable weight loss and combatting fatigue
Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, fatty liver disease, gout, auto-immune disease
IBS/Chronic constipation
Improving acne with lifestyle
PCOS and menopausal symptoms
Gaining weight healthfully
Conditions that I don’t work with but happy to provide a recommendation:
Anyone aged < 18 years
Cancer care
Palliative care
If you are on insulin or gliclazide
I do not prescribe or change doses of medication, provide any form of psychotherapy, do blood tests or provide medical advice so it is important that you consult your health professionals for this. However, I can work with any blood markers you provide such as cholesterol levels and I am happy to write to your health professionals if the need arises to inform them of your lifestyle changes.